CELEBRATING THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF ONE OF THE MOST BELOVED MOVIES OF ALL TIME Six months after the events of Back to the Future Part III, the DeLorean Time Machine mysteriously returns to Hill Valley-driverless! Now, Marty must go back to 1931 to recruit the help of a reluctant teenage Emmett Brown in order to save 1985’s Doc from certain death. Can they repair the rifts of the past without accidentally erasing the future?

Back to the Future The Game – 30th Anniversary Edition (PS4)
CELEBRATING THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF ONE OF THE MOST BELOVED MOVIES OF ALL TIME Six months after the events of Back to the Future Part III, the DeLorean Time Machine mysteriously returns to Hill Valley-driverless! Now, Marty must go back to 1931 to recruit the help of a reluctant teenage Emmett Brown in order to save 1985’s Doc from certain death. Can they repair the rifts of the past without accidentally erasing the future?
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